科华数能荣登BNEF一级储能厂商榜单 智能应用 影音


福建省厦门2024年1月17日1月11日,彭博新能源财经(Bloomberg New Energy Finance,简称「BNEF」)发布了首份一级储能厂商名单名单,厦门科华数能科技有限公司(简称"科华数能")榜上有名,标志着科华数能在该行业取得了显着成就。

Source: BNEF
Source: BNEF



1. The largest battery energy storage project in Brazil; 2. The liquid-cooling energy storage project in China awarded as “Energy Transition Changemaker” by COP28 3. 100MW/200MWh liquid-cooling energy storage project in Ningxia, China 4. 200MW/400MWh energy storage power plant in Guizhou, China (From top to bottom, left to right)
1. The largest battery energy storage project in Brazil; 2. The liquid-cooling energy storage project in China awarded as “Energy Transition Changemaker” by COP28 3. 100MW/200MWh liquid-cooling energy storage project in Ningxia, China 4. 200MW/400MWh energy storage power plant in Guizhou, China (From top to bottom, left to right)

2021年,科华数能被BNEF评为十大可融资逆变器品牌之一;2022年,科华数能被S&P commodity insights评为全球第四大储能逆变器供应商。此次荣登Tier 1榜单,彰显了全球市场对科华数能在储能领域专业技术的认可。

